Bangalore to Mysore travel

Bangalore to Mysore travel distance is around 140 to 150 kms and Mysore is one of the historical and tourist places. Whoever comes to Bangalore or in and around Karnataka state they never miss to visit Mysore. There are some popular places in Mysore viz. Sri Rangapattana, KRS Dam, Mysore Palace, well known Mysore Zoo and so on.

This is one of the place that I had been to when I was childhood, other than this, I had been to Mysore recently couple of times. The photos what I took was unfortunately unclear to share over here and planning to go Mysore soon with nice or DSLR camera to get some snaps.

This city is grown well, and once it was a capital for Karnataka surrounding. One shall not forget to visit KRS Dam and Mysore Zoo upon their visit. Tourist from foreign countries and local can get the food and accommodation as per their choice since it has all sort of accommodation from Five star hotels to budget hotels. There is no issue on availability of food for Indian, Chinese and Continental.

The city of Mysore will be filled up during Dussera Festival in India so one has to book the hotels in advance to avoid disappointment, and the charges for boarding and lodging may be higher at this time.

I will share more travel experience with you soon. You may find related info from PhotosImageStylus blog. Till then stay tuned.

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