Travel personally or on request

I used to travel often either for my personal reason or a work purpose or sometime on request for some event from the brand as well. At the same time, in general, I love to travel to an extent and perhaps most of them are same like me.

When I travel then I give soft corner to nature and its beauty only rather than other stuff around. I sometime take the photo or video and sometime missing it which I regret later.

Sometime I have to take the photo to test the smartphone as I am also enjoying the technology part beside travel one. I have to check and test the smartphone's various camera mode to know the exact result almost. 

We sometime do mistake while click the photo or video that can't be considered as device's mistake but it is our own. The same amount of pixel camera from the same location and same shot might differs due to either our mistake (first) or the lens. We have to analyze on this well before we conclude.

There are so many parameters as such on technology. Now coming back to travel. There are many places recently visited but hard to post all of them. However, I would like to share few of the images without its name until if you need to know about the venue. Enjoy it.

You can also check London Bus in Bangalore article. Royal Dining Table at JW Marriott Hotel Delhi, and on from the same blog posts.

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